Brussels Animal Welfare Codex reading postponed: GAIA denounces PS's lack of respect for animals and their welfare

Brussels, 28 March 2024 - As a result of the unfortunate blockade imposed by the Parti Socialiste (PS), the Brussels government is being forced to postpone the third reading of the draft Animal Welfare Codex, which was prepared by responsible minister Bernard Clerfayt (Défi), yet again. GAIA believes that with this action, the socialist party bypasses the basic concept of democracy. The animal rights organisation calls on all elected PS representatives to change the mind of the Brussels Parti Socialiste.

Fearing that an amendment to ban slaughter without stunning would be tabled during a discussion of the Animal Welfare Codex draft in Parliament, the PS decided to block the third reading of said Codex yet again.

As a result, all the improvements included in the Codex are in danger of going down the drain. In addition to confirming some regulations already in force, such as the ban on home slaughter, force-feeding for foie gras and fairground ponies, the Codex would also include some new measures, such as a ban on the importation of puppies and kittens, a ban on trade in live /animals at fairs and markets, the introduction of a licence to keep animals, a ban on all animals in circuses, a ban on gassing and culling of chicks, a ban on keeping amphibians, a ban on fireworks, electric collars and glue traps, and the mandatory stunning of squids and lobsters before they are killed.

GAIA director Ann De Greef reacts with disappointment : "We are extremely upset about the strategy adopted by the Parti Socialiste on this issue. For fear of being completely isolated when it comes to a vote on unanaesthetised slaughter in Parliament, the PS decided to jeopardise the entire Animal Welfare Codex by their blockade. This text was worked on for two years and was supposed to mark great progress for many animals. All this is now lost... This is an incredibly cowardly political manoeuvre and displays the blatant disrespect of the PS for animals and their wellbeing."

GAIA calls on all elected representatives and members of the Parti Socialiste to speak up and stand up for the animals and, in doing so, also respect parliamentary democracy.




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GAIA – Global Action in the Interest of Animals – unites supporters for animal welfare and animal rights in Belgium since 1992. With over 80.000 affiliated members, GAIA denounces animal cruelty and abuse including thorough investigations, and active and peaceful campaigning.


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